My Fun With AI

Boy, I've been very bad about posting here, haven't I? My only excuse is that I'm working (slowly, with many interruptions from life) on my Board for Certification of Genealogists application. I have until November to put together no more than 150 pages of genealogical research in various forms. I find myself getting distracted easily, and this blog was just one more potential distraction. I do intend to come back to it on a more regular basis, but for the time being, I probably won't post often. But I have to post about my online learning experience yesterday... Artificial Intelligence. It's the new thing. New things often scare people, including me. How will this new technology affect me? Is it just a new way to mine my personal information? How trustworthy is it? I don't think all of these questions have answers, yet, but yesterday I was lucky to attend a live webinar hosted jointly by the Anne Arundel Genealogical Society , of whi...